Thank you to PTSO and Amanda Wells for going above and beyond to create an unforgettable taco bar for our incredible teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness in making this week extra special! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Taco Bar
Staff enjoying tacos
Handford & tacos
Fox & tacos
Huge shoutout to Franklin Heating & Air for their incredible generosity during Teacher Appreciation Week! Thanks to their kindness, our teachers were treated to refreshing Sonic drinks today, making their day even brighter. Thank you! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Tara & Haley delivering Sonic
Frost & Sonic
We invite everyone in the community to join us in celebrating our amazing Farmington teachers during teacher appreciation week! Share your own messages of appreciation on social media! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
Reminder! Next week is FJHS teacher appreciation week. Let's show the teachers how much we appreciate & love them. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
TAW flyer
The May Newsletter for FJHS is ready for viewing. It's been a great school year! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
May Newsletter
A little bit of wind & rain wasn't going to keep students & faculty from celebrating the end of a successful testing week. #Cardstudentareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
sweet scoops
Carnival truck
Dawg's truck
more workers
Courtney & Corndogs
all the kids
Harcourt singing in the rain
food truck
Congratulations to FJHS student Avery who was accepted into the JSTI stem research camp in Baltimore, Maryland. This all expenses paid, 2-week camp chooses only 44 students nationwide based on application, constructed response answers, & teacher recommendation. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
EAST conference
Reminder! Today is hat day to support one of our local families. Pay $1 and wear a hat. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Hat Day flyer
The FJHS Spring Band Concert was a smashing success. Students played for a packed house tonight. Bravo, Mr. Spillars, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Mitchell. Thank you for all you do to support, encourage and create musical experiences for our students and community.
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
band concert
beg band
Attention FJHS- wear a hat on Friday (4/26), pay $1, and show support. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
hat day
REMINDER! Food trucks will be at FJHS tomorrow (4/26) to celebrate the end of a successful testing week. Please remember to bring money if you plan to purchase anything. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
food truck flyer
FJHS Cardinal Crew celebrated & showed some love to the BEST Administrative Assistants. Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Noe are so appreciated. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Noe
Cardinal Crew
Thank you Sonic for providing breakfast to the FJHS faculty ensuring a great start to the last day of testing! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Sonic breakfast
The Be Pro Be Proud truck was at FJHS. This experience provided students hands-on activities in simulators or virtual reality software describing on-the-job responsibilities for high wage, high demand, highly skilled careers that do not require college degrees. Thank you to Dr. Morris, Donna Norsworthy and Mrs. Lawson for getting this for students. and the support of Mr. Laffoon, Dr. McClung and Ms. Pinkerton. #Cardstudentsareworthit #ESED
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
be pro be proud truck
be pro be proud truck
We apologize, the previous link was not operable. Our District is working to revise our Mission and Vision. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey at or please scan the QR code below. Your feedback is essential as we develop a new district strategic plan. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions to help shape the future of education in our community.
10 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
NJHS welcomes its newest members to the National Junior Honor Society. We are so proud of all these students! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Wyatt presenting
NJHS officers
Dani & Addy
FJHS sends a big THANK YOU to Simple Simon's for donating a scrumptious pizza lunch to our faculty. Our PTSO also provided a delicious fruit & yogurt parfait bar for breakfast. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Teachers w pizza
Jernigan w pizza
Courtney & Tara w pizza
Mark your calendars because we're throwing an EPIC end of testing celebration this Friday, April 26th during lunch. Students will have an extended lunch filled with delicious food options from four local food trucks. A QR code is linked to each food truck so you can plan accordingly. Don't forget to bring your appetite AND your $$ to indulge in some tasty treats. (Cafeteria will still be serving students). Let's celebrate all the hard work and dedication that got us through this testing season. #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Junior High
Food trucks
This month's Bethel Brew Staff Spotlight at Farmington Junior High School is Amy Locke! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at FJHS is Annelise Johnson! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
10 months ago, Farmington Public Schools