October 12, 2020
Food Bank Grant Press Release
October 2, 2020
It is almost time for the Arvest’s We Love Teachers Campaign! Attached is a flyer with more details that can be shared. There will be a post on the Arvest Bank’s Facebook page Oc...
September 30, 2020
Walmart has partnered with STEMconnector to bring a free virtual design challenge to life during October (Cybersecurity Awareness Month) which encourages real-world critical think...
August 28, 2020
Farmington School District is prepared for COVID-19 outbreaks, outside exposure, and individual exposure within our facilities. The level of community spread and school cases, as...
August 25, 2020
Please Click Below if you plan on attending tonight's volleyball matches vs Ramey and Lakeside. They will be held in two separate locations. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsarewor...
August 23, 2020
Please click link for very important information on both home and away admission requirements for this upcoming football season. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
August 23, 2020
Please click link for very important information on both home and away admission requirements for this upcoming football season. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
August 22, 2020
Parents, our COVID-19 Point of Contact at Farmington Public Schools is Mrs. Jessica Wallian, RN BSN. Her phone number is 479-368-3899 and email is jwallian@farmcards.org. Plea...
August 21, 2020
We are excited to see all our Students Monday, please watch the interview with our Superintendent, read through our Ready for Learning release and come ready to learn on Monday! ...
August 20, 2020
If you are a virtual student and want meals you must fill out this form daily BEFORE 9:00AM. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4_9q9RYrKinEgh6bad_7MA8TkbFOUWGPiZHE4zZEV0...
August 17, 2020
Click link below for important information on Farmington Middle School Virtual Academy. Orientation is Wed, Aug 19th at 2:00PM. #cardstudentsareworthit Important Information
July 23, 2020
In May of this year, Andrea Ward, former instructional facilitator at Farmington Middle School, applied for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant on behalf of FMS. Th...
July 15, 2020
Farmington School District's Ready to Learn Committee has released information to Students, Staff, and Parents/Guardians regarding the 2020-2021 School year. Superintendent, Jon ...
July 15, 2020
Farmington Schools is happy to announce the launching of a new website and mobile app. This new platform will make it easier for staff to communicate with the community by sharin...
July 14, 2020
Farmington's annual Back to School Bonanza will be done Covid-19 style this year on Thursday, August 6th. Pre-registration will be required and the event will be limited to 200 fa...