Competition is fierce in our fun tree decorating contest at FMS!! Parents will get to vote on the best tree at the Winter "Wonder" Land tomorrow night.
Please join us for a fun night at FMS!! PTSA will have a concession stand available to purchase snacks.
Save the Date!! East Night Out will be Thursday, December 7th 5:00-6:30.
"Sprinkles" the Elf has made its way to 4th grade at FMS!!
Please mark your calendars for a fun night at FMS!! PTSA will have a concession stand available to purchase snacks.
There will be a fundraiser tomorrow night December 5th from 5:00-8:00 at Simple Simons Pizza. All proceeds that are donated will be going to Shop with a Cop and our benevolence.
FMS had their first annual tree decorating meeting today. Proceeds will go to help the library replace books that have been torn up. We can't wait to see what students are able to create.
FMS had their annual spelling bee. After over 25 rounds, we have our winner. Congratulations! Aubrey Marks (Runner up), Hudson Martin (winner) and Jason Nguyen (third place).
The Farmington Holiday Bazaar is this Saturday, December 2nd from 9am to 3pm at the Farmington Junior High. Admission is $3 and it will support the Class of 2024
Project Graduation.
Help us congratulate our FMS students of the month for November! The word of the month was Teamwork. Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in an effective and efficient way.
Please mark your calendars for a fun night at FMS!! PTSA will have a concession stand available to purchase snacks.
5th graders at FMS worked on an amendments sort to help build knowledge for our annual Elks Lodge writing contest. The theme this year is, “What the Bill of Rights Means to Me.”
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at FMS is Brooks Coleman! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
This month's Bethel Brew Teacher Spotlight at Farmington Middle School is Staci Selmon! Our teachers recognized receive a complimentary beverage from Bethel Brew of Farmington! #Cardstudentsareworthit
In case you are “Wonder”ing…5th grade finished reading Wonder and wrapped it up by watching the movie. Choose kind! ❤️
Please mark your calendars for a fun night at FMS!! PTSA will have a concession stand available to purchase snacks.
Please mark your calendars for a fun night at FMS!! PTSA will have a concession stand available to purchase snacks.
The 2023 Farmington Cardinal Christmas Bazaar will be December 2nd!!
FMS is thankful for being a part of such a great school community of parents, students and staff.
Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events 11-17-23 #Cardstudentsareworthit