Field trips are always fun at the pumpkin patch! FMS students had the best time!
FMS Halloween Dress Up Info Below!
We are dressing up on Thursday, October 27th!
Everyone needs a standing ovation after telling an entertaining Writing Wednesday story! Way to go 5th grade writers!
Mrs. Daniels’ homeroom did the car rider sign last week!
“What is the cutest of all seasons?”
FMS Drug Free Red Ribbon week will begin next week, October 24th!
Below are our dress up days for that week!
FMS PTSA Glow Dance is this Friday!! Don't miss out!
FMS Fun Fact Friday with Mrs. Rutherford!
FMS 5th Graders played at the Ledbetter playground on this beautiful day!
Cardinals For A Cure T-Shirts are for sale!! The order due date on the sheet should be October 15th. Don't miss out!! Order by Friday!!
Please contact Robbie Funk at 479-957-3395 for questions.
The Farmington School District will not have school tomorrow, October 14th due to a teacher flex day. Everyone have a safe and enjoyable long weekend! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
FMS Reminder! No school tomorrow, October 14th. Classes will resume on Monday, October 17th.
Order your FMS student a candy gram before it’s too late! The order form should be sent home with your child sometime this week. 🎃
Cardinals For A Cure T-Shirts are for sale!! The order due date on the sheet should actually be October 15th. Please contact Robbie Funk at 479-957-3395 for questions.
FMS 4th Graders took a little field trip this morning to the Farmington Fire Department to learn about fire safety!
FMS PTSA Glow Party Information!
No School on Friday, October 14th!!
Mrs. Burgess' homeroom class had some silly jokes for the car rider greeting sign this week!
Fizzy Friday at FMS for our teachers and staff!! Thank you so much FMS PTSA!!
FMS Fun Fact Friday with Ms. Hocklander!!
5th grade students recording data and comparing colors of skittles in a bar graph. They followed up by analyzing the bar graph to answer questions in their journal.